General Medicine Assignment

 Roll no. 123

Seemala Anjali

3rd semester 



A 55 year old female presented with shortness of breath, pedal edema & facial puffiness.

 My Review about the case is

The reason for the symptoms may be due to exposure to paddy dust as she works in field daily. That led to respiratory insufficiency and COPD.

She is a known case of diabetes and hypertension.

Anatomical location: lungs and airways are involved.

2.Head end elevation is done to improve ventilation

Oxygen inhalation to increase oxygen saturation as her levels are decreased.

Augmentin and hydrocortisone are used.

Chest physiotherapy is done

Vital examination is done to monitor the case.

3.Acute COPD exacerbation due to lung infection

Electrolyte imbalance may be due to respiratory acidosis and compensated metabolic .

I think the case is handled well.

Question 3:

The case is of Acute kidney injury secondary to urosepsis.

A 60 year old female presented with chief complaints of pedal edema since 10 days , decreased urine output since 10 days & fever since 10 days.

2 years ago she was diagnosed with DM -2 along with acute kidney injury with urosepsis.

Urosepsis is urinary tract infection .

Now in this case this urinary tract infection lead to renal tubular damage that is causing pedal edema & burning micturition.

Question 4:

Investions done in acute kidney injury secondary to urosepsis are:

Complete urine examination




Serum creatinine

Bacterial culture & sensitivity report.

Treatment was:

Inj. Lasxi- to treat pedal edema due to renal cause.

Inj. Magnexforte- to treat bacterial infections.


Tab.ultracet- pain reliever 

Tab.orofea XT- dietary supplement that contain iron and folic acid that prevents anemia.

Question 5: 

I have learnt history taking & how to diagnose a case & treatment that to be given .


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